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Inlay Restorations

Montgomery Dentistry creates inlay restorations out of composite material, gold, or porcelain.  Once the inlay has been created in our professional dental laboratory, the material will be permanently cemented into your tooth.

Inlays are a good option for those who want to conservatively restore teeth that have suffered any type of decay or trauma, or even for restoring faulty fillings.  They are considered more conservative than installing a crown because inlays require less tooth structure to be removed.

At Montgomery Dentistry, we prefer inlays as an alternative to silver or regular composite fillings.

While considered permanent, inlays may require restoration or replacement in the future.

Great reasons to choose inlays:

  • Broken tooth
  • Decayed tooth
  • Fractured fillings
  • Oversized fillings

How Are Inlays Placed?

The inlay process typically needs two appointments for completion. The first appointment will involve the staff at Montgomery Dentistry making molds of your teeth. These molds are the basis for creating your custom inlay, as well as helping us to make a temporary restoration until the inlay is placed.

Once your tooth is numb, the dentist will extract any residual fillings and decayed material. The tooth will be carefully cleaned and shaped for the inlay placement. A type of temporary filling will be inserted into this area while your inlay is being fabricated in our professional dental laboratory.

During your second appointment, the new inlay will be carefully installed into the space currently occupied by the temporary filling. Any adjustments will be made during this time and the inlay will be permanently cemented in place.

As always, our team will provide you with instructions for care during your final appointment.

Our Patients Know We Care

“I love Montgomery Dentistry! I have never been more glad to smile and show my new dental work.”
Makeda Thurman