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3 Benefits of Flossing

Holiday meals are just around the corner and that means lots of delicious food! While enjoying our turkey and pies, it can be easy to

Tooth Sensitivity

Do you shiver in discomfort when taking a bite of ice cream? Do you shrink into agony when sipping hot cocoa? If you feel shocks

Toothy New Year’s Resolutions!

Can you guess what the top ten New Year’s Resolutions made in 2018 were? 10. Read more. 9.  Travel more. 8.  Learn something new / get a new hobby.

How Your Teeth Can Survive The Holidays

The months of October, November, and December are all about celebrating.  It is a wonderful season of spending time with family and participating in precious

Homemade Teeth Whitening Remedies

Everyone wants to feel attractive. Shiny, healthy hair; radiant skin; straight, white teeth…these are often the standards by which we define outward beauty. An incredible

Are Amalgam Fillings Safe?

Fillings are typically composed of a substance known as dental amalgam.  This substance is a combination of several metals, most commonly silver, tin, mercury, and