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The Truth About Wisdom Teeth

The wonderful summer season is almost upon us! We hope you can relax and enjoy a nice vacation but we don’t want you to relax

Are You Flossing The Right Way?

The wonderful summer season is almost upon us! We hope you can relax and enjoy a nice vacation but we don’t want you to relax

DIY Dentistry?? What not to do!

We live in a DIY-saturated society. Entire TV series are dedicated to the art of the “life hack.”  Social media is ablaze with lists of

Why Are My Gums Receding?

Have you ever had a sensitive tooth and looked in the mirror, only to discover that the affected tooth appears longer than the other ones? 

How Do I Choose A Toothpaste?

As you walk down the toothpaste aisle at the grocery store, do you become overwhelmed at the amount of options you have?? Extreme whitening, all-natural, tartar